
Communication: a vital component of any orthodontic practice

Communication is a vital component of any orthodontic practice. Teams need to find ways to keep the communication channels open among team members without it being overbearing. We must also keep those communication channels open with our patients. It is very easy for team members to get caught up in their day-to-day workloads and forget to interact with another team member for a variety of reasons. There are some basic tools you can put in place that will naturally help the communication process without it feeling intrusive. Patient communication is a key tool in our offices today. All patients need to be informed of their progress as well as areas for improvement. All messages must be consistent between the doctor and all team members whether is it written, verbal or non-verbal. In order to see our patients on time we must have great clinical and chairside organization. Having the items needed for a procedure will allow the team to focus on quality patient care and experiences.

Learning Objectives

After this lecture, you will be able to develop a team that can deliver a remarkable experience to your patients
After this lecture, you will be able to increase team communication
After this lecture, you will be able to develop scripting for a consistent message to your patients