The Impact of Orthodontic Aligners in Oral Cavity Colonization: from Research to Clinical Practice
by Pardo Alessia
In the contemporary era, a discernible number of individuals have been opting for aesthetic and functional purposes to receive clear aligner therapy. This technology has made it possible for patients to effectively maintain oral hygiene at home and to demonstrate a higher level of compliance with dental procedures and hygiene measures. However, the utilization of these devices can have an impact on the oral ecosystem, thereby increasing the likelihood of developing conditions, such as periodontal disease, bad breath, and tooth decay resulting from bacterial growth. In professional and home oral hygiene, protocols should be directed towards controlling biofilm and disinfecting transparent aligners. In the commercial field, several solutions are available for aligner disinfection, tablets, gels, and sprays. In this regard, Dental Hygienists play a crucial role in administering comprehensive professional oral hygiene treatments and encouraging patients to maintain appropriate oral hygiene practices and care for orthodontic devices.
Learning Objectives
After this lecture, you will be able to discuss the invisible orthodontics and its correlations with oral cavity diseases.
After this lecture, you will be able to propose protocols for professional oral hygiene and the disinfection of transparent aligners.
After this lecture, you will be able to identify potential soft and hard tissue injuries resulting from the use of transparent aligners.